Sunday, July 5, 2009

I wish ..Iwish...

I wish I wish I wish I could…

I know this time and tide may keep us apart…

But you will be always in my heart,

You are with me….always and forever…

But then to sometime I feel that you are not near,

I feel I am alone, always looking for you…

Why are you so far I miss you ,

When I close my eyes it feels I am with you…

But when I open I realize how much I miss u,

Sometime I hear your voice even you are far…

The voice which reminds me of our lovely past,

When I will have more memories to cherish…

Want to spend time with you…so that I can relish,

I wish I could jump to future…to make it my present…

Both of us walking hand in hand,

I wish I wish………I wish I could

Both of us together and time could stop,